Dave Booda

Boodananda is a 10,000 year old light being from the Arcturian constellation sent to the earth plane to help spiritual people take themselves less seriously through vibrating his vocal chords and guitar strings to the frequency of a unicorn’s 8th chakra.”

Dave Booda on the other hand, is a writer, musician and social entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of IntimacyFest and hosts The Darkness Experiment. He has led over 400 workshops on connection, touch and relationships and has consulted for and facilitated experiences for companies, communities, retreats, festivals, conferences, birthday parties, orgies, weddings, funerals, and gatherings of all kinds — with the intention to inspire authenticity, connection and group cohesion. He has published over 200 essays for boodaism.com and played over 1000 shows as a touring singer/songwriter. He is a former Naval Officer and graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, currently serving on the board of directors for the Foundation for Intentional Community while touring and living at different intentional communities in North America.

So what are you waiting for?

Sometimes you have to treat yourself to an experience that will expand your wolrd-view, transform your being and foster new friends and allies along the path.

Are you ready?

Sometimes people just jump and discover something amazing waiting for their lives.

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