
Jasmine is a skilled and compassionate healer specializing in energy focus while combining Sensual Touch Massage and Nuru Massage in her own unique style. With a deep understanding of the human body, mind, and spirit, Jasmine creates a safe, private and sacred space for clients to explore their sensuality, heal emotional blockages from Charkas, and awaken their divine energy.

Her sessions promote deep relaxation, healing, heightened pleasure, and a profound sense of wellbeing.

With Jasmine’s expertise and nurturing presence, clients can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and sensual awakening that leaves her clients with a glowing satisfaction.

Accreditations: ERYT500, Yoga teacher for over 15years, Reiki healer, Massage specialist, Energy worker, Goddess energy activator, Zen meditation teacher and Tantric yoni and lingam healer for individuals and couples

So what are you waiting for?

Sometimes you have to treat yourself to an experience that will expand your wolrd-view, transform your being and foster new friends and allies along the path.

Are you ready?

Sometimes people just jump and discover something amazing waiting for their lives.

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